paint 추천 바랍니다.
17-05-10 12:31
Paint Spec

1. sufface preparation :  2&1/2 (Note-4)
  Note-4 : Bidder shall consider the use of surface preparation as per Sa1 for Stainless steel against the requirement of method Sa 2.5. However the Surface profile shall be 40-60 micron.

2. Primer : Not required

3. Paint mid coat : Multipolymeric Matrix Coating DFT - 125

4. paint top coate : Multipolymeric Matrix Coating DFT - 125

5. Total DFT : 250

6. Color :  Grey

7. Material :  Stainless Steel(304L)

-- paint(name) 추천 바랍니다.(Multipolymeric Matrix)